Notizie in Controluce

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Febbraio 13
15:36 2023

Event realized for the Italian Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2023,

promoted by Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture


Italian Pavilion – Biennale Architettura 2023

Curators: Fosbury Architecture

Commissioner: Onofrio Cutaia


Spaziale presenta


Designer: HPO

Advisor: Claudia Durastanti

Incubators: MAXXI L’Aquila and the Municipality of Ripa Teatina

Ripa Teatina (Chieti), Abruzzo

The unfinished building in Autumn © HPO; Night inspection of the unfinished building © HPO; Point cloud of the internal path © HPO

Rome, February 13, 2023 – Uccellaccio is the title of the fourth of nine site-specific interventions for “Spaziale presenta,” the preparatory component of “Spaziale: Everyone Belongs to Everyone Else,” the project by the collective Fosbury Architecture (Giacomo Ardesio, Alessandro Bonizzoni, Nicola Campri, Veronica Caprino, and Claudia Mainardi) for the Italian Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, promoted by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture.


This fourth intervention will take place in Ripa Teatina, in the province of Chieti in Abruzzo, and will involve the participation of the architecture collective HPO (Alessandro Argentesi, Luca Cei, Mara Femia, Filippo Ferraro, Gregorio Giannini, Gabriele Giau, Giulio Marchetti, Oreste Montinaro, Dario Rizzi, Riccardo Simioni, and Giorgio Scanelli) as the designer, and writer Claudia Durastanti as advisor. The incubators of the project will be MAXXI L’Aquila and the Municipality of Ripa Teatina.


It was 1973 in Ripa Teatina, a town in the Abruzzo hinterlands with a population of 4,000, when the foundation stone was laid for a structure that remains unfinished to this day. After fifty years and numerous attempts at completion that alternated with threats of demolition, this abandoned building remains a presence, for its community, as disregarded as it is intrusive.

Through a perspective of pacification and unveiling, the project is proposed as an opportunity to imagine a new process of participatory reactivation, capable of taming the “eco-monster” that has so marked life in this territory.


“In architecture, there is no positive counterpart to building. Demolition is not a process in itself, but only the inescapable conclusion of a parabola,” declare the curators, Fosbury Architecture. “We believe that through deconstruction and selective disassembly, a future of sustainable regeneration, even in economic terms, can be cultivated.”


In its breadth, the project for the Italian Pavilion is founded on Fosbury Architecture’s vision that architecture is a research practice beyond the construction of buildings and that design is always the result of collective and collaborative work that goes beyond the idea of the architect-author. According to this vision, “space” is understood as a physical and symbolic place, a geographical area and abstract dimension, a system of known references and a territory of possibilities.


In the period from January to April preceding the opening of the Biennale Architettura 2023, “Spaziale presenta” will monitor the activation of nine site-specific interventions in as many places, each representative of the Italian territory.


“Spaziale: Everyone Belongs to Everyone Else,” in the Italian Pavilion from May 20 to November 26, 2023, will be the formal and theoretical synthesis of the processes triggered in the nine regions in the previous months, providing a distinctive and original portrait of Italian architecture within the international context. The works in progress of “Spaziale presenta” and the activation of the nine interventions will be narrated step by step on the website and on the Instagram account @spaziale.presenta.

The curatorial design of the Italian Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2023 and all related details will be announced at a dedicated press conference (February/March 2023).

Spaziale presenta


Intervention no. 1

Post Disaster Rooftops EP04

Designers: Post Disaster

Advisors: Silvia Calderoni and Ilenia Caleo

Taranto, Puglia


Intervention no. 2

Siren Land

Designers: BB (Alessandro Bava and Fabrizio Ballabio)

Advisor: Terraforma

Incubator: FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente italiano

Bay of Ieranto (Massa Lubrense, Napoli)


Intervention no. 3

Sot Glas

Designer: Giuditta Vendrame

Advisor: Ana Shametaj

Incubator: Trieste Film Festival

Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Intervention n. 4


Designer: HPO

Advisor: Claudia Durastanti

Incubators: MAXXI L’Aquila and the Municipality of Ripa Teatina

Ripa Teatina (Chieti), Abruzzo

Instagram Web Site
For further information:

Padiglione Italia


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