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II. International Theatre Workshop in Monte Compatri (Italy)

II. International Theatre Workshop in Monte Compatri (Italy)
Marzo 13
12:43 2017

II. International Theatre Workshop in Monte Compatri (Italy)
directed by Alberto FERRARO
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II. International Theatre Workshop
in Monte Compatri (Rome), Italy – August 2017

Organised for the second time in a breathtakingly beautiful area called Castelli Romani – only half an hour from Rome – an international theatre workshop will take place in the small town of Monte Compatri.

For a week, people of all ages and different nationalities will come together to participate in a theatre workshop including an intensive training on the use of masks and Commedia dell’arte, voice, music and physical theatre.

The aim is to stage a folktale in 7 days of intense theatre work, in as many languages as spoken by the participants. The play should be presented to the town’s inhabitants the last night.

Monte Compatri is situated 600 m above the sea. It is a delicious little village with a characteristic old town rising above a breathtaking panorama of the city of Rome.

Click here to know more.

The workshop is directed by Alberto FERRARO, an Italian actor specialised in the use of masks and Commedia dell’Arte, who has been travelling Europe with his masks and his workshops for almost 10 years. He has been teaching professionals and amateurs, adults and young people throughout France, Germany, Spain, Scotland, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Russia and Romania.

He is now in charge of a cultural association called Iustumo which specializes in creating a bridge between the area of the Castelli Romani and Europe, promoting theatre as a tool of education and integration.

Here is a short trailer of last year’s work, entitled Il bastimento a tre piani, a tale by Italo Calvino staged in 4 languages with professional actors and amateurs. After the premier in Monte Compatri, the play will be presented at the Rencontres du Jeune Théatre Européen in 2017, in Grenoble (France).

The workshop lasts 8 days, with a final performance to be presented on the last evening. During the day, participants will have a physical training in the morning introducing them to the use of masks, voice and Commedia dell’Arte. In the afternoon, they will work on the play.

The workshop will be held the first week of August. The travel and the expenses of the stay are on the participants, but cheap housing can be provided in the town’s hotel or one of the several bed and breakfasts. The cost of the workshop is 150 euros.

There are NO age or language barriers (English, French, Spanish and Italian spoken). Both professional and non-professional participants are welcome, as long as they are commited to disciplined theatre work.



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