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“Delphi Classics From Democracy to Res Publica: Valori sociali e politici senza tempo dalla letteratura classica”

“Delphi Classics From Democracy to Res Publica: Valori sociali e politici senza tempo dalla letteratura classica”
Aprile 04
16:51 2022

Delphi Classics From Democracy to Res Publica: Timeless Social and Political Values from Classic Literature

Date: April 8th, 2022 – Time: 17.30 EEST Location: European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Exhibition Hall

Date: April 8th, 2022 – Time: 17.30 EEST

Location: European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Exhibition Hall

On April 8th, 2022, esteemed professors from across the globe will travel to Delphi, the mythical center of the world, and will transfer the values of society and politics from ancient texts to modern times. At this meet-up, we will strive to highlight the power of Greek and Roman culture in the present and prove that, in an era where constant change is the driving power for progress, the timeless values that emerge from the classical texts remain relevant. A stream of Latin-speaking professors will present the Latin texts, and a stream of Classical Greek-speaking professors will present the Greek texts.

The meet-up From Democracy to Res Publica: Timeless Social and Political Values from Classic Literature is part of the first Delphi Classics Forum, powered by LanguageCert – member of the PeopleCert Group – and hosted by Delphi Economic Forum.

Latinists Panel:

Luigi Miraglia, Accademia Vivarium novum, Italy: De virtute rei publicae fundamento (Virtus as the foundation of the State and political action)

Christian Laes, University of Manchester: Studia classica toto in orbe terrarum propaganda temporibus hisce non sine difficultatibus (Global Classics in Challenging Times)

Armand D’ Angour, Jesus College, UK: Musica Linguae, Lingua Musicae (The Music of Language and the Language of Music)

Šime Demo, University of Zagreb, Croatia: De linguis inter se commixtis (On mixing between languages)

Juan Coderch, University of St. Andrews, UK: Tuo munere fungi: quod pretium solvere accipis? (Performing your duty: what price are you willing to pay?)

Hellenists Panel:

Georgia Xanthaki, Karamanou, Universities of Athens and Peloponese, Greece: Αἰώνιαι κοινωνικαί καί πολιτικαί ἀξίαι ἐκ τῆς Ἀρχαίας Ἑλληνικής Τραγωδίας (Everlasting social and political values from Greek tragedy)

Christophe Rico, Polis Institute, Israel: Ἐνάρετοι πολῖται: Ἔρως, φιλία, ἀγάπη (Virtuous citizens: friendship and love in Hellenism)

Mauro Agosto, Pontifical Lateran University, Italy : Ἡ τῆς εἰρήνης πολιτική ἀξία παρ’ Ἀριστοτέλει (The political value of peace in Aristotle)

Benjamin Kantor, University of Cambridge, UK: Παρὰ ζώσης φωνῆς μανθάνειν: μαθήματα τῇ συγχρόνῳ κοινωνίᾳ ἀπὸ τῶν ἀρχαίων μαθητῶν τῆς τε ἑλληνικῆς καὶ τῆς ῥωμαϊκῆς (Learning from a Living Voice: Lessons for modern society from ancient students of Greek and Latin)

Gerardo Guzmàn, Accademia Vivarium novum, Italy: Τὰ τῶν φίλων κοινά (All things of friends are held in common)

Moderator: Irene Nicolopoulou

Latin meets Classical Greek at a truly unique event and we’d love to see you there. 

 Simultaneous interpretation into English and modern Greek will occur. 

Register to virtually attend the event: 




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