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Alexanderplatz – Gabriel Grossi feat. Roberto Gatto, Alfredo Paixao

Alexanderplatz –  Gabriel Grossi feat. Roberto Gatto, Alfredo Paixao
Maggio 03
13:45 2016

Alexanderplatz via Ostia 9 – Roma info nuovo numero telefono 06 8377 5604

Gabriel Grossi, armonica feat. Roberto Gatto, batteria e Alfredo Paixao, basso e voce

Gabriel Grossi is considered one of the greatest harmonica players in the world.
A virtuoso musician with remarkable personality developing unusual paths for the insertion of his instrument into the rich universe of Brazilian Music.

Although young, Gabriel has an extensive trajectory. In addition to his well established solo career he is, since 2005, member of the Hamilton de Holanda Quintet, winner of the 2007 best Brazilian group prize and Latin Grammy Awards finalist for three consecutive times. He collaborated in important projects like touring with the late clarinetist Paulo Moura, with whom he played from 2003 until his death, and the singers Zelia Duncan and Beth Carvalho, with whom he recorded CDs and DVDs in 2004.

In 2009 he formed his trio with Guilherme Ribeiro (piano) and Sergio Machado (drums). With this lineup Gabriel recorded “Horizonte”, an album composed during the tour that he performed with the renowned trombonist Raul de Souza. In 2011 he released the CD “Zibididi” with award-winning guitarist Diego Figueiredo, album composed exclusively of new material.

In 2012, Gabriel released two more works, the CD “Villa Lobos Popular”, a duo with pianist Amilton Godoy (Zimbo Trio) and the album “Realejo” with accordionist Bebe Kramer. In 2013 he released an albun titled “Urbano”, with original themes and a very modern approach within the universe of the harmonica.

In the beginning of 2015, Gabriel was called for the great french producer and journalist Remy Kopakopul to do the music direction, production and arrangements for the piece “ Krio K ” in Paris, a musical theatre about the relation between Rio and Paris in the 20s. In september of 2015 he recorded “Nascente”, released in 2016.

In 2016 Gabriel releases “Nascente” a cd recorded in duo with the great acoustic guitarist Felix Júnior. In this project the duo pays tribute for Hermeto Pascoal and Guinga. Grossi, also keep playing his last works: “Urbano”, “Realejo” (with Bebe Kramer), “Villa Lobos Popular”(with Amilton Godoy paying tribute to Villa Lobos) and “Fole de Boca” (a project that searches new possibilities for the forró).

In 2016 also produced two cds paying to his Masters: Toots Thielemans and Maurício Einhorn. Gabriel putted together and organized several important harmonica players from all over the world to make projects comes true. Recently, recorded his fifth album with Hamilton de Holanda Quintet paying tribute to Milton Nascimento and celebrating 10 years together.

With 9 albums released, recordings and concerts with big names from Brazilian and worldwide music like: Hermeto Pascoal, Chico Buarque, Ivan Lins, Leila Pinheiro, João Donato, Dave Matthews, Guinga, Lenine, Djavan, Milton Nascimento, Dominguinhos and others. Touring around the world, Gabriel collects an extensive curriculum adding unique experience, receiving accolades from the general public and the ones who really knows what they are talking about:

Toots Thielemans said: “I was very impressed with Gabriel Grossi. he is a harmonica player who plays with great ease, and a musician of great explosion. I was also struck by his compositions and his mastery of Brazilian language.”

“He’s a spectacular harmonica player, a musician with a strong personality driven by a passion for music and the harmonica – it fills me with pride to be part of this brilliant CD (Diz Que Fui Por aí)” – Mauricio Einhorn, his former teacher.

Ufficio Stampa Saint Louis
Giorgia Mileto

Mobile +39 320 3323236

Uff. +39 (0)6 86764270
fax +39 (0)6 91659362

via del Boschetto, 102/106
00184 – Roma


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