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Palazzo Annibaldeschi - Monte Compatri (Roma)

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Information regarding the Centre

Italian Philosophy Centre - Palazzo Annibaldeschi
Via Annibaldeschi 2 - 00040 Monte Compatri (Roma)

Tel. 06 9485407 - 06 94288758


How to get to Monte Compatri

By car :

Highway A1 - Rome-Naples, exit Monteporzio Catone, direction Monteporzio-Monte Compatri. Once in the main square, from the Fontana dell’Angelo, follow the direction  towards the historical center of the town.

By public transport :

From Rome – subway Linea A, terminal station Anagnina. At the bus station, board the Cotral bus for Rocca Priora and get off  at Piazza Monte Compatri.


Translation: Giuliana Gentili and Susan Brecker

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Webmasters: Giuliana Gentili e Armando Guidoni 
